Over the past few decades, salt has gotten a pretty bad rap. We’ve heard all the big, bad, ugly things associated with salt, such as contributing to high blood pressure. Like many of the various things people hear through “pop health” culture, this is somewhat inaccurate. You see, salt is not the enemy you might think it is. There are numerous types of salt, many of which are actually great for your health. Among those different types of salt, one in particular is getting a lot more attention these days. The salt that I am referring to is known as Himalayan salt. Unlike most commercial table salts, which have been chemically altered and refined, Himalayan salt is loaded with amazing trace minerals which have a wide variety of health benefits.
Here are 10 awesome things that Himalayan salt can do for you!
1. Optimizing Your Body’s pH Balance
Your body is better able to achieve a proper acid/alkaline balance when it has optimal levels of trace minerals. These minerals are critical for this process along with many others as well.
2. Better Blood Sugar Regulation
Research has shown that Magnesium is a critical factor in our body’s sensitivity to the hormone insulin. The better our sensitivity to insulin, the better we are able to regulate blood sugar. Himalayan salt is loaded with magnesium. This is an easy, natural way to increase our magnesium levels.
3. Improving Allergies
There is some evidence to suggest that Himalayan salt may be beneficial to help act as a natural antihistamine, and may also be helpful at reducing sinus and respiratory problems.
4. Better Sleep
Optimal levels of minerals are critical for a wide range of hormonal processes, among many are those involved in our sleep/wake cycle. Using Himalayan salt may be a powerful way to help improve sleep.
5. Reducing Muscle Cramps
Because Himalayan salt is loaded with natural magnesium, and because magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer, it makes perfect sense that one of the powerful benefits of this salt is a dramatic reduction in muscle cramps and muscle tension.
6. Stronger Bones
One of the primary causes behind a loss in bone density is a depletion in bone mineral density. By shoring up mineral levels through Himalayan salt you can help offset these depletions and help maintain mineral levels and thus help ensure optimal bone density levels.
7. Better Vascular Health
Our blood vessels rely on a wide range of minerals to help insure healthy function. Himalayan salt can be a huge benefit to our blood vessels and can even help regulate healthy blood pressure!
8. Improved Metabolism
Having optimal levels of trace minerals is critical for a variety of biochemical reactions responsible for our overall metabolism. With Himalayan salt we can easily assist our body by providing these key minerals and in turn help our metabolism.
9. Health Nerve Function
Because our nervous system is electrical, it's no wonder that a wide range of minerals are critical for proper nerve conduction and function. This is yet another important way that we can help our body by using Himalayan salt.
10. Heart Health
You read that right, our hearts will greatly benefit from regular intake of Himalayan salt. Unlike table salt, Himalayan salt can actually help improve heart function. Just as with our skeletal muscle, our heart is a muscle that requires a variety of minerals to function optimally. One of the primary minerals that is critical for proper heart function is magnesium. This is not only for proper muscular function (the actual pumping action of the heart) but also for the proper electrical activity of the heart as well.
As you can see, there are a number of health benefits from incorporating Himalayan salt into your diet. So, where do you find this stuff? Well, pretty much anywhere online, and the beautiful thing is that it isn’t terribly expensive either. You can purchase it on Amazon.com or several other online retailers. So make sure to get some today and start using this powerful tool to improve your health! Make sure to contact our team of experts for Meridian chiropractor care.