It seems like this is one of the most common questions that I get asked by patients. How do you choose the right pillow? This might seem like a simple enough question but believe it or not, there is very little conclusive research to answer this question. Despite what some brands may claim, there is no definitive type of pillow that is the best. So with that said, how do you go about choosing the right pillow? Well, first off, understand that the question needs to be just a bit more specific before we answer it. The question should be "how do you choose the right pillow for you?"
Pillows have been used throughout history for thousands of years. You can trace pillow use all the way to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia dating back to 7,000 B.C. So the importance of pillows has always been known on one level or another. But why? Why are pillows important? Why not just sleep without a pillow? Let me propose 2 primary reasons why sleeping with a pillow (and especially the right pillow for you) is important.
1. Pillows Help Properly Support our Neck and Head. The average human head weighs around 10lbs or so. This may not seem like much, but the force generated by that head can be dramatically increased simply by shifting the position of your head relative to your neck and shoulders just an inch or two. This is simple physics at work. When we sit in hunched over positions as most people do this can place a tremendous amount abuse on our neck and shoulders. Pillows can help combat this forward head posture by supporting the neck and head in a more natural posture. This can provide a great deal of relief from these types of postural problems.
2. Pillows Assist In Our Quality of Sleep. Just as important as the proper positioning of our head and neck is the simple fact that pillows should assist us in getting a proper nights rest. It doesn't matter how "perfect" your head and neck position is if your pillow is interfering with a good nights sleep. Sleep is our body's opportunity to rest and restore. Anything that interferes with your ability to achieve a deep, restorative sleep should be fixed or eliminated...This includes your pillow if its the culprit behind a bad nights rest.
When patients ask me what type of pillow they should get, I simply tell them to test several pillows out for themselves. I know this might sound like too little guidance, but hear me out. I explain that they really need to find just the right pillow for their individual needs.
Because we are all so unique, there is no one-sized-fits-all type pillow in spite of what pillow manufacturers may tell you. You will want to make sure that it adequately supports your neck and head in a normal, natural position. This means that as you lay on your back your head is not excessively too high above your chest or shoulders but rather your neck is in a gentle curve such that your head is relatively even with your shoulders. This is a normal neutral posture and one that creates the least amount of tension on your spine and surrounding support structures.
The same goes for side sleepers. You want to make sure that your head and neck are adequately supported. Side sleeping can be a bit tricky for some, so you especially want to make sure that while in this position your shoulders don't wind up getting pushed upwards unnaturally as this can lead to neck and shoulder problems.
One simple way to ensure that you are getting proper support is to simply roll up a hand towel so that it is around 4-6 inches in diameter or so and slip this into your pillow case. You can then adjust the position of the towel such that it provides the proper support for your neck and shoulders at the precise level it is needed. Again, if you are side sleeper this should mean that your shoulders are not hiking upward creating any excessive impingement or stress. If you are a back sleeper, position this towel in a way that it supports the back of your neck without lifting your head above your chest and shoulders. Providing an additional level of support via this towel can dramatically help.
Last but certainly not least, you need to view your pillow in a similar way that you would view your shoes. Shoes wear out because of the wear and tear we place on them through walking, running, sports activities, etc. Just like our shoes, pillows can and do wear out as well. Just think for a minute just how much time we spend on our pillows in just one year! We are talking about a pretty fair amount of wear and tear on these pillows. So, treat your pillow like your shoes and replace it as needed. I don't think it is unreasonable to get into the habit of buying a new pillow each year. It is a small investment that will pay off in big ways.
If you are having troubles with your pillow consider some of these tips and see if this helps. If you need further help consider making an appointment with Align Integrated Medical Clinic.